1. Why are you buying massive amounts of food as if you're going to be stranded for weeks in your house? Even when there's a foot of snow or more, you get "snowed in" for maybe a day. One day. And probably not even a full day. By noon, the roads are clear and you can go about normal activities. So quit running to the supermarket every time they're calling for snow. You're probably the same stupid people who went out and bought boxes of plastic and duct tape for your windows after 9/11.
2. Say we are going to be stranded for weeks. Why milk and bread? I mean, I like milk and I use bread for such things as sandwhiches but I wouldnt go buy it in bulk like its the only way to survive. If we were going to be snowed in for weeks, like literally cant leave snowed in, fuck bread and milk. I'd buy better things, like steaks and beer.
I'm currently snowed in until they plow my street. I have no milk, and only a few slices of bread. I'm not dying. Just sayin'.
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